


Efficient yard

An organized and efficient yard offers the best conditions to drivers and teams, with a clean, safe, and productive environment


Software capable of monitoring the yard, offering essential reports to manage and reduce the TPV of vehicles, with a focus on increasing the productivity of its operations.


Ensuring cargo and yard safety through training, CCTV, and adequate signage

Efficient team, well-defined technology and processes! We offer greater productivity and safety through Yard Management.


G2L offers a complete, optimized Yard Management focused on efficiency and productivity. The service meets the various stages and processes of maintenance, signaling, monitoring, and communication.

The main goal is to offer innovative and technological solutions that are converted into practicality and agility.



m² of yards
vehicles access the yards per month
fixed transport companies
drivers trained monthly



Treinamento de segurança para motoristas

Programamos cursos mensais para os motoristas reciclarem seus conhecimentos sobre as melhores práticas de segurança no trânsito e, assim, evitarem acidentes nas estradas. 

Controle de acesso automatizado, monitoramento de câmeras e portaria 24h

Contamos com tecnologias que permitem o acesso ao pátio somente a pessoas autorizadas, promovendo maior segurança no ambiente contra furtos e roubos. 

Manutenção e limpeza predial, jardins e áreas verdes

Promovemos as melhores condições de uso em cada parte do pátio, assegurando, assim, a higienização dos espaços comuns, uma maior arborização e o maior bem-estar dos motoristas parceiros e dos funcionários. 

Driver training

Driver training

We schedule monthly courses for drivers to refresh their knowledge on the best traffic safety practices in order to prevent road accidents.

Automated access control

Automated access control

We have technologies that allow access to the yard only to authorized people, promoting greater security against theft and robbery.

24/7 cameras and gatehouse/receptionist

24/7 cameras and gatehouse/receptionist

Continuous surveillance of the yard's premises with trained and qualified teams, as well as available and operational electronic resources.

Checklist and lashing

Checklist and lashing

Inspections of vehicles and accessories are carried out to guarantee efficiency and safety in handling, manipulation and transport, in addition to cargo lashing tasks.

Management of indicators,
performance, and statistics

Management of indicators,
performance, and statistics

Essential data for your business are captured, organized, and visualized using modern software. The technology offers greater attention to the control of TPV (Time of Permanence of Vehicles), as well as the recording of training and occurrences.

Checklist e peação

Disponibilizamos para os motoristas pré-inspeções dos veículos e acessórios, aumentando assim a eficiência e segurança na movimentação de cargas. 

Gestão de indicadores, desempenho e estatística

Revelamos os dados mais importantes para o seu negócio por meio de um software capacitado e que oferece maior atenção ao controle de acesso, o TPV (Tempo de Permanência dos Veículos), bem como o registro de treinamentos e ocorrências. 



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